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Parking and Traffic

Streets around our school are often very congested during morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up. To help keep our students safe, we need you to do your part by slowing down; following traffic safety laws and obeying all signage.
Do not park or drop off students in front of the school. This is restricted to buses only.

General Safety Reminders

  • Remain courteous and patient
  • Drive slowly and watch for students crossing the road
  • Abide by all traffic signs and laws
  • Use designated crosswalks
  • Respect school staff and volunteers assisting with drop-off and pick-up
  • Park further away from the school and walk the rest of the way to avoid getting caught in traffic
  • Explore other alternatives to get to school (walk or ride a bike)

Bus Service

Yellow bus transportation is offered to students who live in our attendance areas. A monthly or annual fee is charged for this service. Please contact the school office for additional information.

Edmonton Transit is an another alternative where appropriate.